What is goHUNT.com and How Can it Help Your Odds?

For those of you not familiar with goHUNT.com it's a tremendous resource for us hunters.  They provide a plethora of articles ranging from current hunting issues and trends, memorable hunting experiences and thoughts, tips and how too, and even some interesting videos. All of the previously mentioned information comes free of charge, just click and read, how sweet is that?  Their bread and butter, however, goHUNT Insider, is a game-changing tool for those living in the West or heading that direction with hopes of full coolers and bucket list items checked off.     

I try to stay away from bullet lists for my posts but the amount of info contained within goHUNT Insider is tremendous so I want to let you know what types of info you can expect:

  • Application strategies for success.

  • What States best meet your hunt expectations?

  • Specific species info.

  • Draw odds.

  • Trophy potential for any unit.

  • Season dates.

  • Rules and regs.

  • Number of licenses sold and success rates.

  • Unit-specific details.

  • And more...

 This certainly is not an all-inclusive list.  If you've already hunted out West or have considered it, you know the daunting and very intimidating task of understanding applications, points, various areas, etc.  Insider really streamlines this process and simplifies your efforts.  Follow this link for a detailed example of some of what an Insider subscription has to offer.  Make sure you use code HUNTINGFIT when you sign up for the Insider subscription to get $50 to spend in the online gear shop. On top of the fantastic filtering and research ability Insider provides they also have a few other perks worth mentioning.  One is their online shop and Insider Store Points System.  More or less the Team from goHUNT took what they felt to be all the best gear on the market and made it available for purchase through their website. 

This does a couple of things, one it puts all the gear you need in one place.  The second thing this does is allow you to use their Insider Points to essentially earn cash for future in-store purchases for buying the gear you were going to anyway. The last item I'm going to mention is the monthly insider giveaway.  When you become an Insider you are automatically entered into a monthly drawing that goHunt.com puts on.  It's for Insider members only and contains some sweet gear.  Back in November, they gave away 5 rifles valued at over $1,000 each then turned around in December and gave another $16,500 worth of gear away.  Just by subscribing to a service that makes your life easier, you get the chance to win some bang-up equipment. 

How can you beat that? The cost of a yearly subscription is $149.  The time you will save and the information you get is well worth that and more.  Plus if you use code HUNTINGFIT you get $50 online store credit back to spend as you gear up for fall.  As many of my posts have been eluding to, now is the time to prepare for this fall.  That includes physical preparation as well as picking where you'll be going and what you'll be hunting.  


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