Elk Hunting Tips I've Learned

I'm not an expert.  But I do try and learn each and every time I head to the woods.  I'll soon be elk hunting and based on my previous trips I thought I would share some of the things I'm going to do this year to hopefully help put some elk meat back in my freezer.

Have Good Hunting Partners

I will say if it weren't for two guys in particular I can probably say I would have never ended up owning HuntingFit.com.  Aside from that they are fantastic hunters and therefore made me a better hunter.  They analyze things, make plans, and execute them.  They push hard and then push a little harder after that.  Surround yourself with good people and inherently good things happen.

Look at the Map

Really?  Like I need to bring this up.  It's a fact and don't forget it.  Looking at onX just today showed me a few things I had overlooked.  A few saddles I didn't notice when just looking at the real pics.  This will help me dial in a little better where I want to sit.  Little things like that can be the difference between meat and no meat. 

Don't Bust the Brush

In my eyes, the biggest thing I have learned up to this point is to hunt where you can see.  I spent time busting through thick brush thinking I'd walk into a bull’s lair or a cow party.  Never happened.  All I did was push any elk I may have ever had a chance at out of the county.  I'm going to find a good vantage point in a meadow where I think elk will be and I can see a long way.  I will then intently watch hoping one crosses within range.  If they don't but I can see an elk, I'll go after it the next day.

Stay Out All Day

Don't waste time going back and forth from camp to a hunting spot, then back to camp, then back to a hunting spot, etc.  Use your time wisely.  Pack lots of snacks, water, and warm clothes.  Carry them with you and you'll find out you will be spending your time hunting rather than hiking.  There's nothing wrong with a little midday cat nap either! These are a few of the things I'll be doing in the next few weeks with hopes of filling my tags.  These aren't rocket science surefire ways you'll be killing an elk but they are things I've learned along the way.  Give them a shot and start your own catalog of tips and tactics you can apply in the future.  Maybe we'll both get one this year!!!  Good luck and happy hunting!!! 


Follow Up to "Questions of the Hunt"


New Items Going Elk Hunting with Me this Year